Young Helpers Group

The Young Helpers Group are very simply a group of 16-25 year old volunteers (often first time helpers) who wish to volunteer on our pilgrimage. A number of schools sending volunteers will often arrange for them to attend as part of the YHG, all of whom travel to and from Lourdes together and stay at the same hotel. The YHG is overseen by the YHG Leaders (currently Andy Joyce and Sarah Sparrow).

The Group is subsidised by the CA to encourage young people to experience Lourdes as volunteers. The group travels together, in 2025 this will be on one of the flights.

The YHG welcomes all 16-25 year olds volunteering in different capacities.

16-17 year olds will have a different programme to rotating teams to discover the background of Lourdes.

If you would like to join the YHG please tick in your application form.

The fare for 2025 is: £500 (see more)