Donating to the CA
The CA is a Registered Charity (1071120) and has always relied on donations from our supporters - friends of the CA and our work in Lourdes.
We are committed to enabling new volunteers and assisted pilgrims to travel with us to Lourdes. If you would like to support our valuable work then you can do so in a number of ways:
You can donate to the Catholic Association through JustGiving’s service. Simply click the link below to be taken to the online donation page. If you’re a UK tax-payer you can also donate Gift Aid at no extra cost to you.
By Post
You can send a donation – cheques made payable to the Catholic Association to: Mr S. Gill, CA Treasurer, 10 Purbeck Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UU. If you are a UK tax-payer you can make your donation go further by completing and sending us a Gift Aid declaration: CA Gift Aid form
Your Will
Standing Order
You can also leave a legacy to the CA in your will; for more information please contact the CA Treasurer, Mr Steve Gill, or write to: Mr S. Gill, 10 Purbeck Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UU.
Can you help us by setting up a standing order to the Catholic Association?
There are two ways to do this:
[1] Donors can ask their bank for a standing order form. They can complete and return to their bank. Ideally, they should take a copy and send to Mr S. Gill, 10 Purbeck Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UU for records.
[2] Set up a Standing Order yourself via Internet Banking. Again, once set up the donor should let us know that this has been done (simply email:
Catholic Association Main Account
CAF Bank
Sort code 40-52-40
Account No 00005828
Reference: Donor’s Name
Once the S/O is set up, please do consider sending a Gift Aid Declaration Form too - which should also be returned to Mr Steve Gill.